duminică, 28 iunie 2020

From word to image or vice versa?

Creating images from fragments of texts written in different moments, challenges me as much as writing down some words by having a specific image on mind. 

While breast-feeding my baby I have started to create digital sketches on my phone. These drawings have as point of departure short phrases from my book The Field. IL Y A (not published yet). The hole point is to cut some of the words from my old phrases and replace them with other words. The new meaning makes reference to my actual activities as a mother.

It all started because I realised that what I was creating and my everyday life confrontations turned out not to be related one to each other at all, which contrasts with my certainties regarding art, that it shall be connected with life. Reshaping the sense of my own old phrases, brought my artistic process up to date, charging it with credibility. 

Now, it makes totally sense to me working on object-books and pages from books, etc. because these new books are different reinterpretations of the one I've written years ago, but are also actual echoes of my old thoughts and feelings. With other words I reanalyse the old thoughts with the objective eyes of a totally new perspective offered by how my life changed once with becoming a mother. 

From here I have two different paths to walk on.

1. Continue to create reinterpretations of the ideas from the book and get to the very essence visual form of it, including all the senses and important directions from The Field. IL Y A

2. Go further with the rephrasing, by continuing to  paint phrases, that don't necessarily belong to me, but which will be adjusted to become the voice of a mother (my brand-new voice). 

For now the best option is to challenge myself for taking both pats simultaneously and see where these gets me to. 

Below I share with you some details from the book-objects recently created. 

I will come back soon with a list of the ideas contained within my book The Field. IL Y A.

luni, 18 mai 2020


Having less time made me become a harsher 
critique of my own art. 

Time spent with my baby is a continuous
process of thinking. My mind goes free!


Just like for all new parents, the birth of my first child on the 24th of July 2019 changed many things in my life. One of those changes has been the way I organize my time, and not at all the way I think about my career as an artist. I find now how it is to make a priority list of a priority list, and to have days when I succeed doing nothing from the list. The tricky part is that I must train myself to be okay with having days without time for art at all, and not become frustrated for this reason. It is essential to keep on doing it and let myself be inspired by all the new things that come to my life every day.

I will undergo this self-imposed artist residency in order to fully experience and explore the fragmented focus, nap-length studio time, limited movement and resources and general upheaval that parenthood brings and allow it to shape the direction of my work, rather than try to work “despite” it. Overall, no matter how small the progress is, it still can be called progress which means that the most important is the consistency.

Imagine myself shouting out loud how much I enjoy being a mother! Due to this self-imposed residency, you can also see it, for 92 days, on this blog page.